2025 Concord Cabarrus MLK Weekend Sponsorship Opportunities Sheet
Every year the Concord-Cabarrus Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Committee along with a plethora of community partners coordinate a weekend of events to celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr in Cabarrus County. We invite you to join us January 15-20, 2025 as we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. This year’s signature events include:
· Dream Day -A multicultural community day of service that includes a Parade, a Minority Business Fair, a Community Organization Fair, and a Health & Wellness Corridor, and more (1,500 Attendees).
· The Keeper of the Dream Awards Banquet -An elegant event celebrating individuals that are making a difference in their walks of life, including high school scholarship recipients (300 attendees).
· The Wreath Laying Ceremony -A commemorative celebration of the life and legacy of Dr Martin Luther King, Jr (400 Attendees).
Please visit https://mlkccnc.com for more information on the 2025 Concord Cabarrus MLK Weekend.
We invite you to support the weekend by becoming a sponsor!

Diamond (Title) Sponsor: $20,000
Platinum Sponsor: $15,000
Gold Sponsor: $10,000
Silver Sponsor: $5,000
Bronze Sponsor: $2,500
Dream Sponsor: $1,000
Click below to download the MLK Sponsorship Packet
2025 Sponsorship Levels
Diamond (Title) Sponsor: $20,000 (1 Available)
As a Diamond Title Sponsor, you or your company will receive the following benefits:
Spotlight on MLK Weekend Website
Listing as Diamond Title Sponsor on marketing collateral and event advertising
Digital projection of logo on screen more prominently than other sponsors
Name listed in priority positions on various onsite signage
Spotlight recognition at the MLK Dream Day
Spotlight recognition at the Keeper of the Dream Awards Banquet Event
Inclusion in MLK Weekend press release
Speaking opportunity to be featured at both the MLK Dream Day and the Keeper
of the Dream Awards Banquet
Two informational tables in a highly visible location at Dream Day
Two Premier table at the Keeper of the Dream Awards Banquet: – 16 Tickets
Platinum Sponsor: $15,000
As a Platinum Sponsor, you or your company will receive the following benefits:
Logo listed on MLK Weekend Website
Listing as Platinum Sponsor on marketing collateral and event advertising
Digital projection of logo on screen at events
Name listed on various onsite signage.
Special acknowledgement at the MLK Dream Day
Special acknowledgement at the Keeper of the Dream Awards Banquet Event
Opportunity to speak at either the MLK Dream Day or the Keeper of the Dream
Awards Banquet
One informational table in a highly visible location at Dream Day
One Premier table at the Keeper of the Dream Awards Banquet: – 8 Tickets
Gold Sponsor: $10,000
As a Gold Sponsor, you or your company will receive the following benefits:
Logo listed on MLK Weekend Website
Listing as Gold Sponsor on marketing collateral and event advertising
Digital projection of logo on screen at events
Name listed on sponsorship signage.
Acknowledgement at the MLK Dream Day
Acknowledgement at the Keeper of the Dream Awards Banquet
One informational table in a prominent location at Dream Day
One Premier table at the Keeper of the Dream Awards Banquet: – 8 Tickets
Silver Sponsor: $5,000
As a Silver Sponsor, you or your company will receive the following benefits:
Logo listed on MLK Weekend Website
Listing as Silver Sponsor on marketing collateral and event advertising
Name listed on sponsorship signage at the MLK Dream Day and at the
Keeper of the Dream Awards Banquet
One informational table in a prominent location at Dream Day
One Premier table at the Keeper of the Dream Awards Banquet: – 8 Tickets
Bronze Sponsor: $2,500
As a Bronze Sponsor, you or your company will receive the following benefits:
Logo listed on MLK Weekend Website
Listing as Bronze Sponsor on marketing collateral and event advertising
Name listed on sponsorship signage at the MLK Dream Day and at the
Keeper of the Dream Awards Banquet
One informational table in a prominent location at Dream Day
One Premier table at the Keeper of the Dream Awards Banquet: – 8 Tickets
Dream Sponsor: $1,000
As a Dream Sponsor, you or your company will receive the following benefits:
Name listed on MLK Weekend Website
Listing as a Dream Sponsor on marketing collateral and event advertising
Name listed on sponsorship signage at the MLK Dream Day and at the
Keeper of the Dream Awards Banquet
One informational table in a prominent location at Dream Day
One Premier table at the Keeper of the Dream Awards Banquet: – 8 Tickets
Please contact us at [email protected] or at (704) 918-5749 if you have any questions about becoming a sponsor.
Special thanks to our partners!